Monday, April 7, 2014

Fat Fixes Fat

Don't be scared of fat.  Enjoy oil, butter, bacon - are you weeping yet?  It's the opposite of what we were taught over the last 30 years.  There's new science blowing apart the low-fat, high carb theory.  I've spent 3 years explaining to people that they need to open their minds and consider what we now know.  Fat doesn't cause heart disease or high cholesterol.  Our brains need and thrive on fat - my concentration is much improved!  The low-fat theory has a shameful beginning - but the truth is out and a food revolution is taking place.

It has been an interesting experiment for me to talk about adding fat back into the diet.  I've seen people's outright unwillingness to even consider something contradictory to the textbook nutritionist (who hasn't learned anything NEW since college).

This website has fantastic resources and information for anyone wanting to learn more.  I'm not affiliated, just a fan of this great information.  There is nothing for sale, nothing to buy.  Enjoy watching the food revolution video - it is eye opening.  It will make you want to move to Sweden.

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