Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Zinc is essential for keeping a healthy immune system, building proteins, triggering enzymes, and creating DNA. Zinc also helps the cells in your body communicate by functioning as a neurotransmitter. A deficiency in zinc can lead to stunted growth, diarrhea, impotence, hair loss, eye and skin lesions, impaired appetite, and depressed immunity. Zinc is critical in wound healing. It’s also important to have zinc to help build the stomach acid you need in order to pull the minerals from your food to begin with.

Correcting a zinc deficiency can go a long way toward helping the frustrated dieter control impulses to eat something sweet, something fatty, or something devoid of nutrition in an attempt to satisfy an inner compulsion.

You lose zinc as you sweat and through excess urination. So in the beginning of a keto-adapted diet, you will be low in zinc. The average American consumes less than 10 mg of zinc per day, far less than what is required for normal sugar metabolism or the other functions of zinc in the body. A zinc deficiency is a huge issue with PMS and salty cravings, or craving a bite of sweetness after each meal.

Our modern day soil is low in zinc, so the best source of zinc is animal products. Oysters, seafood and organic red meat are your best choices for zinc. So if you are a vegetarian, I suggest adding in a supplement. Certain prescriptions, including birth control, deplete zinc in our body. A zinc deficiency can cause birth defects such as cleft palates.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Youthful Glow

There are so many uses for coconut oil beyond cooking.  Coconut oil can cure dry skin almost overnight, try it on feet!  I have noticed a significant difference in my wrinkles when I regularly put coconut oil under my eyes.  Every morning and just before bed I apply coconut oil on the skin around my eyes.  It not only feels great, it has anti aging properties and I've noticed quite a difference in my skin after a few weeks.   I also use it as chapstick and makeup remover when necessary.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Xylitol is a sugar-free alternative for baking.  It is naturally occurring low-calorie sweetener found in fruits, vegetables and certain hardwoods. Our bodies can produce up to 15 grams of xylitol per day from the foods we consume. Xylitol produces a lower glycemic response than sucrose or glucose so it has minimal side effects on blood sugar and insulin. It is not as low as erythritol (Swerve).  Some people prefer the taste of xylitol as compared to erythritol.   This one is worth some researching for yourself!

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Breakfast tends to be the hardest part of low-carbing because people get tired of eggs.  This waffle is healthy, easy to transport and satisfies!  I either slather mine with butter and sugar free syrup or cover in peanut butter and bacon strips.  This is a basic eggo-ish plain waffle, but you could get creative by adding cinnamon, sweetener, berries, chia seeds, nuts, etc.  Or try a non-breakfast version by adding olive oil, rosemary, garlic, etc. for use with chicken or sandwiches.   Possibilities are endless.

Should make 10 waffles:
4 eggs
1.5 cups unsweetened almond milk
4 T coconut oil
1/2 c egg-white protein
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 T baking powder
1/2 c coconut flour
1/2 c psylium husk (optional)
         (add 1/4 c water if husk is used)

Mix all ingredients and allow to sit for 5 minutes.  Use a waffle maker, cook for about 4 minutes.  Store in freezer in zipped bag. 

Friday, April 25, 2014


If you or someone you know struggles with maintaining their weight, I have a quick-tip = "Mind over Matter".  I'm not talking about willpower as a decision one makes whether or not to eat something they shouldn't.  I'm talking the WHY you want it.  Find a photograph of what you want - that makes you yearn.  Feel it.  One look at the photo and you're quickly reminded WHY you're working hard and staying focused.   If the photo doesn't cause adrenalin to rush through your body and mind, keep searching for the image that will.  Visualization is so powerful - harness the power. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


In my quest to simplify my life, I decided to clean house.  De-clutter.  Un-hoard.  It is amazing how much 'stuff' we amass over the years - whether intentional or un.  I started with cleaning out a drawer and ended with a month's worth of closet, basement, cabinet and clothes pitching.  Once complete, it felt like a giant weight off my shoulders.

The rule of thumb on de-cluttering is if you haven't worn or used an item in over a year - you don't need it.  Get rid of it - donate it to someone who will use it.  If the item has value, sell it and spend that windfall on something special.

People don't really understand my excitement when I explain how good it feels to accomplish a de-clutter until they experience it for themselves.  If it's an intimidating, huge task in front of you - start small and you'll see what I mean.  That feeling of even a small accomplishment like a drawer or cabinet, will get you through the rest.  It feels so good.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


It's ironic to write this post after asking for your advice on relaxation tips.  But part of my early issues with anxiety was being in a constant state of worry.  I'm proud to say that once I realized that worrying didn't change the outcome of the worry - I learned to stop.  It took some work, some deep thought, a lot of books and practicing the self-help techniques.  I'm proud to say it worked - worrying is something I can control.  I used to nearly wish my life away, worrying about the future and never enjoying today.  I'm now able to be in the moment, right now, and deal with things as they happen.  I think that's called living.

Worrying didn't change anything and only made me feel worse.  The truth is - whatever is going to happen - will happen - whether we worry about it or not.  So worrying is of no relevance and holds no value.  So, I stopped and it wasn't all that hard.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sugar to Sugar-Free

I used to be so frustrated why diet food wasn't making me skinny.  Consider this - cereal, skim milk and a banana - a typical diet breakfast has too much sugar and way too many carbohydrates to make it a diet friendly meal.  One cup of skim milk alone has 12 grams of sugar.  Making the simple switch to almond milk or coconut milk saves the body from having to process all that sugar.  A banana should be replaced with berries for that same sugary reason.  Cereal, I'll simply ask if you really need 50 carbohydrates in one sitting?  That's like 5 pieces of bread .....

If sweets are necessary in your life, simply substitute real sugar with Swerve.  Swerve is a cup for cup sugar replacement that doesn't have an after-taste.  Simply replacing sugar with a quality sugar substitute means that there's no more deprivation.  You may just have to get back in the kitchen.

Swerve is available online from all of the popular sites or directly from the company. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


Looking for advice on this one!  I can't relax and struggle with anxiety just about every minute I'm awake.  I sleep well and tend to feel better when I exercise, so I'm lucky in that regard.  Anxiety is so common these days that I'm certain you have tips and tricks on making it happen.  I think mine stems from an overactive mind, not necessarily chemical issues. Please provide your thoughts!

Saturday, April 19, 2014


The most common problem I face helping people change their lifestyle is - quitting.  I'm surprised why so many people feel their either on a diet - or off.  Successful or unsuccessful, never in between.   While I struggled with this issue myself long ago, it occurred to me one day just to STOP the madness.  Why do we beat ourselves up for indulging in something we know we shouldn't.  This isn't about willpower.  Sometimes we have real cravings based on chemical imbalances or vitamin deficiencies.  We need to learn and understand our bodies.  A chocolate craving for instance, can be related to a magnesium deficiency - maybe a vitamin supplement will help solve that issue going forward.  Too tired to exercise means we've succumbed to the vicious cycle of not doing it vs. just doing it which would make us feel and sleep better.   If you're not up for walking a mile, walk around the block - it's still better than nothing.

Instead of quitting, think of it as a learning experience.  Why did you want to eat something bad or not exercise last night?  Did you feel better after?  Was it worth the mental anguish you now face?  Truth is, it probably didn't taste as good as you thought, nor did it provide the satisfaction you thought it might, or laziness just makes you feel regret now.  These poor decisions delay your success by yet another day. You still have to wake up tomorrow and think "okay, today's the day".  That gets old - wouldn't success be much more enjoyable?

If we start to understand our actions and view them differently - really think about the root cause and effect - only then can we change the behavior.   Don't quit, just re-evaluate and learn.

Friday, April 18, 2014


So you found your favorite paint color!  After painting the room and adding artwork and accessories, you step back and think .... hhhmmmm.... still doesn't feel complete.   This is where would-be decorators get frustrated because something is still missing.   Don't second guess your paint color - the secret to fixing is = your room lacks a black element.  Add something black and your room will feel complete.   Black could be an iron decoration on the wall, a cabinet pull on a door, a trim around the carpet or pillow, artwork frame, a speaker, a tv, a lamp or lampshade.  Possibilities are endless!   It's a simple fix and a major design secret.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


An update to the low-carb diet is now being called a Ketogenic Diet.  This diet is a focus on more fat with moderate protein and very low carbs.  Our bodies thrive on fat.  Too much protein ultimately converts to sugar in the bloodstream.   Eating fat goes against everything we were taught growing up and it is difficult to make that change.  Also, a lack of salt on a Ketogenic diet can cause dizziness so my fix to both of these issues is olives!  Olives are a fatty, salty snack that can satisfy any cravings.  A typical serving size offers quite a few olives to enjoy. 

And just a little tip, olives in a martini (dirty martini to be specific) is nearly calorie free and a real treat when out for the evening (ok, or staying in).  Just be careful, low carb makes drinking alcohol a bit dangerous because there's nothing there to soak it up. Whatever amount of alcohol you usually drink - - half of that amount can make you tipsy while low-carbing!  Just be aware - and be careful until you find your new tolerance.  Same goes for wine...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ordering online is common these days, except when it comes to groceries.  I live in NW Indiana and many of the specialty ingredients I use for low-carb baking are not available in my area.  I found and buy nearly all of my hard to find products from this site.  Besides the very reasonable $4.95 flat rate shipping cost - the site offers all of the products I need at a reasonable price. I usually compare prices against just to be sure. offers free gifts for purchases over $75.  As silly as it sounds, I enjoy getting my free stuff as a little treat!  Wearing a free Netrition t-shirt when I workout just makes me feel all that much healthier. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Muffin in a Minute

When I teach people about low-carbing, the 'muffin in a minute' is one of the first things I make sure they try.  Being new to low-carb is always a hard adjustment as it relates to bread and breakfast.  This muffin idea is not only convenient, it provides that visual and bread sensation that so many people need.

This is not my recipe and it so old, many people admit to not knowing where it originated.  There are many ways to adjust it to your liking - sweet or savory - and the possibilities are endless.  Some of my favorites follow:

Instructions for the following recipes:  Put ingredients in a coffee mug (or bowl for a bun shape) and mix well.  Microwave for 1 minute or more until cooked.  Remove, slice, butter and eat - or put in toaster to toast.  Dash of salt to suit your taste is needed but not listed below.

MIM Options (Muffin in a Minute):  Makes 1 serving.
1/4 cup flax meal, 1 packet splenda, 1 large egg, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp butter.
1/4 c almond flour, liquid stevia, 1 egg, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp coconut oil

Use either of the above ingredients but instead try olive oil for the fat, no sweetener and add rosemary and oregano.  Using a bowl for a bun, microwave, then slice and put in toaster.  Use toasted bun for egg salad or tuna salad and it is an amazing sandwich.  Or consider adding garlic salt and dust with parmesan cheese.

A sweet idea (pun) is to add banana extract and walnuts.  Or cocoa powder and mint extract.   
Keep thinking!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Low-Carb Luxury

There's a diet revolution happening and I'm excited to be a part of it.  I'm a firm believer that low-carb not only helps a person lose weight, but it also increases brain function.  Like many adults, I was labeled ADHD and took meds to help gain and maintain focus.  Once I started low-carbing, my focus drastically improved and it turned out to be a wheat allergy.

Wheat has been genetically modified over the past few decades with the scientific focus on farming, NOT on how it harmed humans.  If you don't know about GMOs, do some research - it is eye opening and likely the root to many of your ill-health symptoms.

Not all low-carbers give up wheat, but I highly recommend it.  Today, almond flour and coconut flour are easy substitutions for white flour and wheat and allow us to make the breads and desserts we love.   Going low-carb is a smart decision and recent research confirms that it is what our bodies crave.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Kitchen Advice

Renovation shows make remodeling look so easy.  I enjoy (and yearn for) hard labor, but the toughest part of remodeling is deciding on a design.  I have experienced some design regret in rooms that are now completely finished.  For instance, my five year old kitchen floor of white ceramic tile - I no longer like.  How green is it to rip out a floor every few years because trends and tastes change?  Seems wasteful.   {I'll be curious to see how soon people will be ripping out their wildly-tiled backsplashes in the next few years (months?).  Those bold design statements will get old fast.}

I believe the answer lies in what I call "updated-classic" style of design.  My tips of the trade are to research, research and still more research.   Collect photos of designs you love - for at least six months.  Revisit those saved images along the way and you'll be surprised to find that some of those selections no longer appeal to you.  Frightening, what if you had installed that?  Phew, that was close!  I have images I've saved and still wonder what I saw that I liked because I sure don't see it now.   

Classic doesn't mean boring - but there is a reason it's called classic = tried and true, test of time.  Good design never goes out of style.  Update it with color or small elements of surprise to keep it interesting.  I still promote doing what you love - just make it smart design.  Don't follow the trends just because they're trends.      

Friday, April 11, 2014

Journaling and Stress

Stress is one of those silent killers.  Stress is commonplace in today's world and we all but expect it as a part of our normal, daily lives.  Society expects us to be strong and wise and as a result our soul underbelly can become callused and neglected.   At that point, we can become hardened and unemotional to all things around us - if we're not careful and aware.

Long ago I realized that I had all kinds of stress and emotion I couldn't talk about.  Therapy and Rx, didn't work.  Everyone has problems and mine wouldn't make sense to anyone but me.  There was a point in my life, I had to get that emotion OUT of my skull - so I started writing.   To myself.  Journaling, in a password protected document that I carried around in my wallet. 

On my darkest days, I would write for hours and I actually felt better after getting it out.  I saved my words and many times enjoyed looking back at them as the years passed to see how far I'd grown. Healed.   I started writing in 1997 and ended up with over 17 years of documented emotion.  It was my personal treasure.  I highly recommend letting yourself and your emotions have a voice in a SAFE place for no ones eyes but your own.  

If journaling becomes a wonderful experience for you, like it was for me - I offer this one last piece of advice: save your work on 2 or 3 different, password protected, flash drives.   Please.   I didn't know flash drives can fail - until two months ago .... when I lost everything I'd ever written to a dead flash drive.  All those years of journaling and growth = lost.  It felt like death losing my 17 years of documented history.  I miss my journal, mostly because I don't have a memory and it was "it", and the me I've long forgotten.  I've grown so much over the years and enjoyed seeing my progress so clearly in writings.  What bothered me 10 years ago, just doesn't matter to me these days - I loved seeing that evolution! 

So I view this dead flash drive as yet another growth opportunity - to let the past stay in the past.  I've since come to peace with it.  And I move on knowing I've grown and survived tough times, on my own because of my journal.   I will journal again .... just not yet.  My mourning period hasn't yet passed.  I still carry my dead flash drive with me, because maybe someday there will be a cure..........and I can revisit my real me.  The me that lives amongst the chaos and stress of every day life, standing tall and wise because - that's what we do.  It's expected.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Interior Inspirations

How often have we heard the lectures about builder's beige?  Or keep it neutral for resale value?  Or don't put anything too personal into the décor?  People = enjoy your homes, showcase your creativity and live your lives.  When it comes time to sell, you can paint some rooms white at that time - but not until then.  In the meantime, do something special!   Truth is, the new owner will personalize and change everything you do anyway.  As soon as I got the keys to this house, I ripped out 3,000 SF of brand new white shag carpeting because it just wasn't what I wanted.  The previous owner wasted thousands of dollars at the realtors recommendation to 'update' the house to sell - - I just happened to come along after it happened.  I would have rather they knocked $2k off the price and let me do my own floors, which I did anyway.

A few years ago, my dining room ceiling was chocolate brown and I loved it!  Now it is sky blue.  For $20 in paint, I can change my rooms with the seasons if I want to.  I had a pool table in my dining room for many years and my realtor said people wouldn't understand the room.  My stance was that if people weren't smart enough to know it was a dining room - they didn't deserve to live in my beautiful house.  We all spend a lot of money on our homes - enjoy it while you're there!   Do what you love.  Worry about all that other stuff .... later. 

As Scarlet O'Hara said - "I'll think about that tomorrow!"

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hair & Hands Fix

Dry hair?  Dry hands?  Dry lips?   Try Coconut oil!  I like to put coconut oil with a drop of my favorite essential oil in my hands, rub together and smooth onto my hair.  This is a great trick if you're running late and don't have time to iron the hair.  The oil will shine and smooth without weighing it down.
The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, cholesterol level maintenance, weight loss, boosted immune system, proper digestion and regulated metabolism. It also provides relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV, and cancer, while helping to improve dental quality and bone strength. These benefits of oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and their respective properties, such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial and soothing qualities.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Greek Chili

I'm always looking for new ways to enhance a ketogenic diet.  With leftover grape leaves from the dolmades, I came up with the following.  This was delicious!

Greek Chili
3 lbs ground beef (grass fed, preferably)
1 large can of Contadina crushed tomatoes (with added garlic)
1 cup chopped grape leaves (or more if desired)
1 cup cauliflower rice (which is raw cauliflower pulsed in a food processor)
56 oz water
Seasonings to taste: salt, pepper, oregano, cayenne, chili powder, parsley, garlic, cumin

Brown beef until ... well, browned.  Tilt pan to allow the juices to puddle at the bottom while pushing the meat away from the puddle. Carefully put in a paper towel or two to soak up most of the grease.  The remaining grease stays.  Add the other ingredients and simmer for about 30 minutes.

I didn't have these items on hand, but it would add greatly to the finished product:
Optional garnish:  crumbled feta and/or finely chopped scallions.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Fat Fixes Fat

Don't be scared of fat.  Enjoy oil, butter, bacon - are you weeping yet?  It's the opposite of what we were taught over the last 30 years.  There's new science blowing apart the low-fat, high carb theory.  I've spent 3 years explaining to people that they need to open their minds and consider what we now know.  Fat doesn't cause heart disease or high cholesterol.  Our brains need and thrive on fat - my concentration is much improved!  The low-fat theory has a shameful beginning - but the truth is out and a food revolution is taking place.

It has been an interesting experiment for me to talk about adding fat back into the diet.  I've seen people's outright unwillingness to even consider something contradictory to the textbook nutritionist (who hasn't learned anything NEW since college).

This website has fantastic resources and information for anyone wanting to learn more.  I'm not affiliated, just a fan of this great information.  There is nothing for sale, nothing to buy.  Enjoy watching the food revolution video - it is eye opening.  It will make you want to move to Sweden.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Eggs = Energy!

Eggs are a staple for adding essential vitamins and minerals to a low-carb diet.  Eggs are an easy breakfast in many varieties.  Eggs can benefit weight management and brain function, for about 70 calories each.  Breakfast eggs, egg drop soup, boiled eggs with horseradish, egg salad, custards and my favorite bread substitute.  The bread has an angel food texture and is more suited to visually satisfy rather than mouth texture.  Beat 6 egg whites until meringue stiff peaks are obtained, slowly add 1/2 c protein powder, pinch of salt, a dash of olive oil and any seasons you desire.  I leave mine basic as descriped above so I can either toast it for breakfast, or use as a vessel for olive oil and salt & pepper.  Bake in a medium sized bread pan for about 30 minutes at 350.

Friday, April 4, 2014


A great low-carb appetizer or main course is grape leaves stuffed with ground meat and seasonings.  Grape leaves can be found in jars in your grocer's international section and is an easy, nutritious additional to otherwise ordinary ingredients.

Mix the following:
2 lbs ground beef or lamb
Salt & pepper
1 garlic clove, 1 onion finely chopped and 1 tbsp. parsley

1 jar grape leaves, rinsed and dried.

Lay out one grape leaf stem side up, fill with the meat mixture and roll to secure contents.  Place in a deep, over proof dish and continue until dish is full.  Cover with chicken broth and carefully place in oven for an hour at 350.  Cool slightly to allow dolmades to firm.  Serve with a tzatziki (mixture of sour cream, diced cucumber, dill weed, salt, pepper and feta).  Enjoy!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chia Seed Crunch

On a low-carb/ketogenic diet, I'm always looking for quick snack ideas to keep me going.  If you love peanut butter like I do, consider this simple idea, a spoonful of peanut butter dipped in Chia Seeds. It provides that crunch that we low-carbers miss.  Chia Seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition, considered a super food.  Loaded with Omega-3s, antioxidants, they hold 10x their weight in water (great for keeping baked goods moist!), Chia Seeds are worth adding to your diet for their anti-aging properties too!  It's an easy way to add fiber to your diet.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


If you have a house full of brass fixtures that needs updating, here's a simple solution.  No need to spend money on materials and/or labor to change them out.   Ready?   All you need is a paint brush and a can of black Rustoleum paint.  With a little time and very little effort, you can completely change the look of your door handles, hinges and light fixtures for about $9.  Even if you're not a fantastic painter, try it, you'll be surprised how easy it is to get that updated look! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Acne Fix

For over 35 years I've had to deal with acne.  As a teenager it was a vanity, self-confidence issue.  As an adult, I felt it really held me back professionally from my full potential.   I 've tried all of the acne products varying from cheap to expensive, drug store to medically prescribed to specialty online vendors.  I even tried homeopathy cures from garlic to egg whites.  I avoided chocolate, fried foods and drank gallons of water - doing everything experts recommended.

For the past 3 years I changed my eating habits to low-carb, lost 50 pounds and felt great!!   My body, mental focus and attitude drastically improved.  Shockingly, my acne got worse on a diet full of extremely clean eating!  I reached out to a nutritional expert and she gave me surprising advice - to cut out dairy.  Being low-carb, cheese and whey protein had become a staple in my diet and it was a tall order to remove it.   I had nothing to lose so I cut out dairy.  Within 3 days, my acne had all but vanished!!  Within a dairy-free week, my skin was nearly beautiful.  So, every once in awhile, I test it - I have cream in my coffee, or sour cream on my dinner and sure enough, my acne returns within two days.  Bad, cystic acne that takes over a week to heal.  Huh!

I share this with you because in all my years of struggling with acne, no one ever mentioned dairy.  The many dermatologists I've visited, never asked me about my eating habits.  Topical ointments may be a band-aid to a food allergy that we're otherwise unaware of.  I had no other symptoms of a dairy issue and am still shocked that dairy was indeed to blame.  I hope I can save others from years of frustration.